Thursday, November 17, 2011

22 Weeks

22 Weeks
Well, there you go. I hope my sister Nat appreciates these pictures, because they're mostly for her because she's not around to see me get all big and round. And as I get bigger I get less inclined to want to post these. But I love you Nat.

In other news, I have failed at NaNoWriMo. I had a good couple days, but then I needed a night of Brian just rubbing my belly and then there was a wedding and then I just gave up. Maybe next year I'll try again.

Also, a couple weeks ago, Brian started feeling the baby move! Last night we were laying in bed and he was just talking about architecture stuff and the baby started kicking. He thinks it's a sign, but I think it's mostly that the baby likes Brian's voice. I can't argue with that. I often fall asleep to Brian talking (in a good way.)

We're still struggling to find a name. It's really hard. I want to find something that none of our cousins have, or have used for their kids. That's a lot of names. And then there's the problem of finding something that doesn't make our parents go, "eh". I've decided to stop telling our parents any of the names until we know what we want, and then they have to like it. :)

And I know it shouldn't matter, but I don't want people to think our name is weird, or that we're going for some theme (because we already know what we want to name a girl someday). I guess I'll just have to get some thicker skin.

It's Thanksgiving next week! So excited. And then I get to decorate for Christmas! Yay!

Again: Any suggestions for names are welcome. :)


Amy said...

You look so cute! Havering your first baby is so exciting. I like the boy name mason, probably won't ever get to use so there you go. Hope your feeling well.

Unknown said...

So cute. I love your baby bump. It's so fun to be able to feel your baby inside. I love it!!

Celeste said...

You make such a cute pregnany lady!! I'm seriously jelious! Thanks for being brave and posting pictures. I like seeing them too :)

Dennis said...

I'll give you $100 if you name him Dennis.

Kyle and Amanda said...

You are the most darling little thing I have ever seen. Please keep posting pictures I love seeing them!

Good luck with a name