We also brought our bikes up, so we did a 10 mile bike ride one day. That was a lot of fun. Before, I always complained that my seat was way uncomfortable, and Brian kept making all these adjustments to try and help. Finally, up at the lake, he got on and tried out my bike. He realized that it was really just a bad seat. So I got to ride his bike the rest of the time and he bought me a new seat as soon as we got home. :)
Another cool surprise was that Nat & Adam showed up on Thursday night. She had told me they weren't coming, so I was really bummed. But they showed up and made my night. And I also forgot that Nat's usually the one who brings all the cards to play Nertz, so it was a good thing she showed up otherwise we would've been lost. :)
We had a good time getting to hang out with them. I haven't really seen her since the wedding, so that was good. And Adam has his smaller brace now and seems to be doing really well. They are both really happy.
On the 4th, I spent the day with my family while Brian was at work. Then we had a BBQ and went to see Transformers. I love that show!! It's so cool and so funny. I didn't expect it to be so funny. But I thought it was great. I would've walked out of the theatre and walked right back in to see it again. I highly recommend it.
On the 5th, Brian and I both had the day off, so that was nice. I was expecting a nice, lazy day together, but no. We had to go meet with a financial aid person at the U, because we were trying to be reimbursed for last semester's tuition, and they had made us go through this whole long process, only to have us come in and meet with someone who told us, in a very smug attitude, that they were not going to give us any money. I won't go into the whole story because it makes me so mad just thinking about it. But I really wanted to punch her in the face. Not a good start of my day. But Brian remained calm, so that was good. So anyway, that leaves us with the only option of using everything we've saved this summer to buy Brian's computer he needs for his program, instead of having the little cushion we'd hoped for, seeing that I will be the only one working come fall. We'll make it, it just frustrates me.
That night was a good experience though. We got to go through the temple with his brother for the first time. Always a fun thing. His brother leaves on the 18th and he's very excited. Yesterday was his speaking assignment and he did a really good job. He's usually very quiet and that's the most I've ever heard him talk continuously. It was very cool though. We then spent the rest of the afternoon with his family and extended family and ate lots of food. Then we spent the evening with my family, because my mom and dad needed to give us instructions for when they're gone.
My parents are going to Hawaii for their 25th Anniversary next week and Brian and I are staying at their house to watch the kids. It's not like the kids are really that little anymore, but someone needs to be there to make sure they eat what they're supposed to and that they eventually go to bed. It'll be a nice break though, because we'll actually be closer to our jobs than normal.
Hopefully I'll have some more pictures up soon, but here's just a few:
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