Wednesday, January 30, 2008

An Apostle and A Prophet

On Sunday, Brian and I were asked to attend the Primary Children's Branch Sacrament meeting so we could have an orientation for our new calling. We got there just before they were about to start and walked into the filling room trying to find a place to sit. Just then, Elder Oaks motioned for us to sit by he and his wife! I smiled and thanked him and we scooted past and then the meeting began.

It was amazing to see the simple faith of the people there. It only last 30 minutes and they only have one musical number and a 3 minute talk, but it was still great. To see the kids that are hooked up to machines and in wheel chairs, come down there, even though most would think they have a pretty good excuse not too. And to see the parents and siblings that come to be with their loved ones in this meeting. It's very casual and come as you are and it was amazing. I was holding back tears through most of the meeting and finally gave in at the end. It just broke my heart.

Afterwards I got to go up and shake Elder Oaks' hand and introduce myself and talk to Sister Oaks a little. She was crying too. Then we had to leave and do our orientation of the building, but it was a very neat experience, and then to just happen to be there when an Apostle was there... very cool.


We found out Monday morning of the passing of Pres. Hinckley. I was very shocked, yet at the same time, not surprised because he was very old. I think he was such an amazing man and so lovable. I know he's in a better place and so happy to be with his wife again. I will always remember how he talked about her after she passed and the love that was so evident in his voice.
He was made president right before I went into Young Women's. So whenever he spoke "to the young people," which he did often, I really felt that it was meant for me. I am so grateful for the amazing work he has done, with the temples and everything else. He was a true prophet of God and he will be missed. But gratefully we know that our church will move forward with no problem.

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