Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Friends, New Callings

Well, one week into the semester and I already had to take a sick day. The stress of the new schedule and trying to make work and school fit together and still doing dinners and trying to be a good wife, all piled up on me and I ended up only making it to one class on Friday and then being sick the rest of the day. Not fun. I don't like to miss work, because it makes my life more stressful when I finally get back to it, and I want to get good grades in school, so missing classes doesn't help, but my body just couldn't take it. I did end up feeling better later that night after Brian's first ever experience of seeing me throw up. Not fun.
We went to our institute class that night, "Building an Eternal Marriage". I'm really excited for this class, because I think it'll just be fun to take a class with others in our same situation. And the class is every other week on Friday nights for 1 1/2 hours, so it's kind of like a date night. :)
Today our sacrament meeting was all about fellowshipping and making sure that the new people in our ward feel welcome and things like that. It really made me feel like I want to make more of an effort to get to know more people. I was making a pretty good effort before Christmas, going to all the activities and such, but I still need to work on it. And then, out of the blue, someone invited us over to play games after church. I'm way excited. (That's where we're going when I'm done with this.) It's just going to be a group of people, so it'll be a good chance to make new friends.
Also today, Brian and I were set apart in our new callings. We have been called to be representatives at the Primary Children's Hospital. I think it's just in this area, but they call couples to go visit the members that are up in the hospital and just meet with them and spend some time and also give blessings if they need or want them. There are four couples in our ward that rotate, so we go once a month, and then every six months or so our ward is actually in charge of conducting their meetings. I'm way excited for this calling, because it seems like it'll be a really good opportunity to do some good for people who really need it. And it works well with Brian's schedule.
I was also given a second calling as Choir Pianist. I knew as soon as they saw I played the piano that they would call me to use it, but I assumed Relief Society because that's always where I'm put. I am happy that it's somewhere new. And for Brian this means, he's now in the choir. :)
So things are going well. I'm still feeling a little stressed, just because of the schedule, but I'll get the hang of it eventually. And I'm feeling much better, so that will help. We'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I know from personal experience this will be calling with great blessings. My stepsister was in ICU in primary childrens and then in rehab for a total of about six months my stepmom lived there in our motorhome and the rest of us made monthly trips up there to visit. I remember going to church there and it was a very spiritual experience. Good Luck and hope you feel better.