Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Brian

1. What is his name? Brian Paul

2. How long have you been married? Almost 1 YEAR!!!

3. How long did you date? Technically, 8 months. We spent every day together the summer before he left on his mission, but we weren't "dating." Then during those 8 months, we had some on & off times going on.

4. Who eats more? Brian

5. Who said I love you first? He did

6. Who sings better? Well, Brian was a Madrigal, and he'll kill me for saying so. But I think he sings really well.

7. Who is taller? He is.

8. Whose temper is worse? Mine. He's so calm, which is one of the reasons we work so well together.

9. Who does the laundry? We usually try and do it together, but sometimes Brian has to do it because I have so much reading to do for my classes.

10. Who does the dishes? Currently, Brian. :( I feel bad because I'm so busy with full time school and part time work, but I just don't have time to get to all the household stuff. He's so wonderful to help out with those things just until I can graduate and have more free time.

11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Well, "right side" depends on how you look at it. I always have to sleep next to the wall, or furthest away from the door. Basically, I need Brian to be closest to the door "for protection" in my mind.

12. Who does the cooking? I try and do most of the cooking. I'm getting better at planning menus and things, though again, right now it's all on hold until I graduate.

13. Who is more stubborn? I am.

14.Who proposed? He did. Though it was thoroughly discussed beforehand, he still made it a surprise.

15. Who is more likely to admit when they are wrong? Probably Brian.

16. Whose parents do you see the most? Together or apart?? We usually try and keep it pretty equal. Our parents live within a mile of each other, so it's easy to see both whenever we go out there. And we're usually together whenever we see them.

17. Who pays the bills? I do. I feel more calm about our finances when I know exactly how much we have.

18. Who wears the pants in the family? We try to be equal in our responsibilities and things. And because I'm a pseudo-feminist I would have a hard time giving total control to just him. But I do believe he holds a sacred authority and I am willing to follow any counsel he feels is right. (Though we'd probably have a discussion about it first.)

19. Why do you love your husband? Why don't I love my husband? He is the most amazing man I know. I've loved him for longer than most people realize and I'll love him forever. He keeps me grounded and makes me feel safe and loved. He can always make me smile, even when I don't smile on the outside just to be stubborn, I'm always smiling on the inside. He loves me in spite of all my flaws and insecurities. He's the best husband ever!

I love you Brian!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

What a nice tribute to your husband. I know that Rick and I being best friends has gotten us through some really rough times!