Monday, July 28, 2008

Barlow Family Reunion

Every other year, my mom's side of the family gets together for one big reunion. And I mean big! One of my uncle has 10 kids, 6 of which are married and having their own kids. My other uncle has 3 kids, all of which are married and have kids. One of my aunts has 4 kids, and one of those is married and has a kid. And my other aunt has 6 kids, one of which is also married and has a kid. Throw in my family which has 5 kids, 2 of which are married, though no kids, and that makes a lot of people. While not everyone was able to attend the reunion, there were quite a few. I think somewhere around 60 people or so. It was a lot of fun!
On Friday night, all of the adults went and did a temple session together. Adam and Nat even made it up in time to come with us. Though Adam did forget a church shirt to wear into the temple, so we went and bought him one because they barely made it. It was really neat to see so much family all together in the temple. It really makes to think about what it's going to be like in heaven.

After the temple, we all went to dinner or desert at the Gateway Mall. Nat & I joked that we wanted ice cream for dinner but when it came down to it, we are true Walker women after all, and we needed food.

Saturday morning, Nat & Adam came to our apartment and we carpooled up to Park City. My uncle Rod & Aunt Janeen's family hosted the reunion this year. We had the Barlow Olympics this year which was an absolute blast! And it was even more fun to be split into teams not according to each family. Everyone got to be with different people so we could all grow closer. I think this was especially good for the in-laws because they need to get to know everyone better. (Brian & Adam hadn't met some of this side of the family until this reunion, so this was good for them. I also think it helped them understand even more how important family is to us.)

Here are a few highlights of the games:

Cameron B. throwing the airplane.

Julie B., Bill R., and Natalie L.

"The Triathlon"
We had to make a paper airplane, throw it across the line, make a pyramid with a certain amount of cups, then put together a puzzle.

Julie B.

Some sort of relay race. My team didn't quite get to this one.

McKay B. helping Brooklyn B. (not his daughter) in the skating event.

McKay B. helping Hunter B., his son, in the skating event.

And finally, the diving event. (Think bobbing for apples, except you're bobbing for nilla wafers covered in whip cream. It's my new favorite treat.)

Lesley W.

Me (Glad)

Natalie L.

There were other events that I don't have pictures of, like weight lifting, where one person had to carry all the team members a certain distance and then they all carried that person back to the start. Or swimming, where you had to put on all the equipment, i.e. goggles, swim cap, snorkel, carry a float device and a beach ball, and then run a few yards, as a relay. There was also a croquet game, which I forget what it was called, and a game where you had to unwrap gum with gloves on and then blow a bubble. It was awesome though. I think everyone had a really good time.

After the games were over, we had our Box Lunch auction. Everyone brought enough lunches for their families and then we auctioned them off. Everything was really yummy.

I had to take this picture of Brian & Brooklyn. I thought it was so cute that she would just sit on his lap. She ended up falling asleep during the auction. I told Brian I would be using this picture to convince him that he wants to have a little girl.

After lunch we had free time, in which most of the boys ended up playing ultimate Frisbee and the women sat around chatting. Some went off to go shopping or to take naps too. The ultimate Frisbee almost killed three of the men in the Walker family. Adam's not really supposed to be running with his back, and my dad and Phil just had bad backs so they all had to take some of Adam's pain killers. Phil eventually left a little early because he was hurting so bad. :(

After free time we did a service project and put together humanitarian kits.

We had a BBQ for dinner and then had our awards ceremony. Then we had more time to just hang out and be together. My cousin Curtis & his wife Karli taught us a new game, Dipstick. I actually remember learning it as Lucky 3, and teaching it to my siblings, but I'd forgotten how to play. We had a good time playing together.

I also attempted to hula-hoop, which I haven't done in years. I need some practice to say the least.

On Sunday all the family that could attended my grandma's ward, so she could show us all off. We filled 6 full rows in the chapel. It was pretty cool. After church we all went back to my parent's house and had another BBQ. We chatted a lot and then people had to start heading out. It was nice to have that short weekend together though.

My cousin Mike & his wife Susie with me & Brian.

"The Twins"
Me & my cousin Lisa.

Three of the Walker Women. We had to get a picture together because we were all wearing our outfits we bought in St. George a couple weeks before.
(There are tons more pictures, but it would make this post even longer than it already is. For the Barlows, I'll be putting some more up on the family website. For everyone else, sorry.)

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