Monday, July 28, 2008

My BFF & My Bike Shop

On Thursday, we spent most of the day with Brian's family for the holiday. We had "Mountain Man" breakfast, and then when I went to lunch, Brian & his dad worked on a project together.

As mentioned previously, I missed all the baby showers for my best friend Val's first baby. So we went out to lunch together on Thursday to catch up. We went out to Training Table and had a really good chat.

Val is due on August 8th. (08/08/08) I'm so excited for her. And I'm excited because I'm the 3rd phone call that her husband's going to make when the baby's born. Just the moms, and then me. :) I'm special I know.

For her present, (the first of many) I got her this book. My dad read this book to me every night before bed when I was little. So it's literally the first book I ever read. :) I still love it.

Lunch took over two hours, and we could've gone on longer. I love just talking to Val. We went back to her house and talked with her mom for a while, and it all ended up making me more baby hungry. Go figure.

After I got back from lunch, we went to the movies with Brian's family. I got a little overheated and sick, but I drank almost a whole Gatorade and felt better. We stopped by my mom's house real quick and I opened a time capsule I'd made in the 8th grade. Wow. I don't know what I was thinking when I put some of that stuff in. But it was pretty funny to look through.

Then we went back and did fireworks with Brian's family.

Brian and I had an epiphany the other night.

We went to Barnes & Noble to get Val's gift, and as soon as we got in there I started going crazy. I was getting so excited over all of the books and all the ones I wanted to buy for our kids, or just for me to read. (I know this must seem weird to most people, but I love that place.) I never go in there because I either don't have money to buy all the books I want, or because I've been in school for the past 6 years and don't have time to read for myself. So I was really happy to be in that store.

Brian just looked at me like I was crazy, and then all of a sudden had this realization. He turned to me and said, "This is your bike shop." And just like that it all clicked. We both understood each other on a totally different level. Brian loves bike shops and I love to read, and neither of us really understood that until this moment. It was awesome. It just made us both laugh.

Brian's always felt bad about how much his bike stuff costs, because I've never really bought a ton of stuff for myself. But now he realizes what trouble he's in because I'm almost done with school and I can start reading for fun again. This'll be great. :)

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