Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My taxes are done!

This post is to specifically thank my friend Rachel, who introduced me to TurboTax. Even just using the free software online I DOUBLED our return. I couldn't believe it! So Awesome!

I also loved that I could do it all on the computer. For the one year I was married to my first husband, his mom did ours because she was an accountant. Then my dad always did mine using the computer. But last year Brian wanted me to do ours but I wasn't aware of any free software online or anything, so I had to do it by hand on paper because I was too cheap to buy anything. That's how Brian's mom does it every year so she helped me a little, but it's just so confusing because there are so many things you can do wrong by mistake.

So, again, thank you thank you thank you Rachel! And it only took me a few minutes. :)

I love that Brian lets me do the finances. It can be stressful, but I love to have that control. I get far more stressed if I don't know how much we have, or where it's being spent, or wondering if bills are being paid. He's so good to keep receipts for me so I can balance the checkbook, and I think he appreciates that I take care of it. He always says he'll be poor without me though, because he doesn't know how to get access to any of our accounts. I do lots online so there's lots of accounts and passwords to remember. Maybe I'll have to write down all our info and lock it up somewhere. But then he'd have to remember where and how to get to it. :)


Trina said...

Congratulations! Taxes, taxes, I'll probably do mine eventually :) I'm still waiting for a few people to answer one tough question. Everyone and their dog has a different answer.

Natalie Loris said...

Wow- you're way on top of things. Last year ours didn't get done until April 14th :) I'll do better this year.

Brian and Tonya said...

Great job!!! One more perk about using turbo tax- you get your refund faster.

mznutterman said...

YAY!!!! I'm so happy that it worked for you. Don't you just love that little "deductions" tab? You go girl!