Our apartment shocks us. I don't mean it's shocking in that it is messy, or the dishes aren't done, or that laundry is on our bedroom floor (all of which is true unfortunately). What I mean is that we receive electric shocks from our apartment. I guess I could blame it on the colder/drier weather, because I don't remember this happening in the summer, but who knows?! I just know that every time I get up from the couch, where I've been messing around on my laptop, and I go to set it down, it shocks me! Or when Brian will come home from school and I go to give him a kiss, we get shocked! (A shock on the lips or nose is SO not fun.) Anyway, we've resorted to touching hands first before any contact with our faces. :)
That wasn't really the point of my post, but it happened right before, so I had to write it down. Moving on.
Today was a good day. Church was good, and I especially loved our Relief Society lesson on Visiting Teaching. I didn't share anything but I did have good feelings about my experience with visiting teaching, so I thought I would share them on here. I was never really good at going visiting teaching, and when we first moved into this ward, my partner wasn't either, so we were lucky if we even discussed going. Luckily, I did have good teachers coming to visit me. I think this helped me realize how important it was. Then there came a point when I didn't really feel like I had any real friends in this ward. I knew some of the sisters, and I liked them, but I didn't feel like I connected with any of them. I just didn't feel like I fit in. Then one Sunday, after having complained to Brian the night before of the very things listed above, we got a new visiting teaching assignment sheet. I had a new partner and new ladies to visit. And it just so happened that these two ladies were two of the very ones that I had wanted to get to know better when I discussed it with Brian the night before. It was a pretty cool experience for me and strengthened my testimony that the Lord knows me and is aware of my struggles and desires. So anyway, ever since then I've tried to do my best to go every month. Also, I love my current visiting teachers, and I love the fact that they'll stay and talk with me for so long because I really need that sometimes. Even when I'm not feeling very chatty myself, it's just nice to sit and listen to conversation. :)
After church we headed over to my parent's house for dinner and my cousin's that are down at BYU came up & ate with us. It was really great to see them and just have a good time.
We got home around 9:30 and spent the next 1 1/2 hours helping Brian write a book review that's due tomorrow. 1,000 words. About the theory of architecture. It's a good thing I was an English major because I totally just b-s-ed my way through it. I actually think it sounds pretty good, and Brian does know what he's talking about. I just tried to make things a little longer, used big words, things like that. :) Now he's back to school and I'm contemplating bed myself. It's hard to go to sleep when he's not here though and I worry about him driving home so late. At least it's only a 3 minute drive instead of the 20 minute drive it was when we lived in Bountiful. :)
I saw this on another blog and thought it was a good idea. I'm going to list one thing I love about Brian every day in honor of Valentine's Day. But then I thought I should do it next month because it's our anniversary so maybe I'll keep going. We'll see how I actually do at it.
I love how hard Brian works. He puts so much into school and I know it wears on him. But I know he does it because it's what he loves and because he wants to provide for our family later on. Even though I miss him when he's gone late at night, I appreciate all he's doing. I love you Brian!
haha...I hate the "shocking" thing. That happened to us in one of our apartments, too. And yes...a shock on the face is SO not fun....I think one time, Nate touched my tooth with his finger, and it killed! I thought I had a cavity...that kind of hurt...I'm glad I figured out that it was only a shock, though! I think that Heavenly Father does know what we are in need of, and he definitely is in tune with our needs. I'm so glad for that!
let us know if we ever stay too long... I'm so glad I get to visit you every month. Just last night I was telling Bobby how much I like you!
I was SO excited to get you as a visiting teacher last September. I've wanted to know you much better (still do!) but with my kids there never seems to be a convenient time. I was SO BUMMED when in October they reassigned you to someone else (I felt totally robbed - I should complain to the RS president...). I have to laugh at your "shocking" comments - it's getting bad in our apartment, too. Greg refuses to kiss me in the kitchen or living room because it's just too painful... LOL!
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