I finally finished this book today. It is a long book and was difficult for me to get through. As I mentioned before, I've come to realize I'm not really big on biographies, but once I started this one I wanted to finish it.
I had my doubts for a while about whether or not I liked what the author was saying or if I wanted to keep reading it, but after conferring with a friend that it "is a good book and you'll like it more once you get into it" I decided to keep going. I think having this week at work to read for hours on end actually helped because then I could get into it without interruptions.
This book has some interesting points on Joseph's life and how the church was developed. I can't say I understand or agree with how some of it was portrayed, but I don't know everything, so I won't say it's wrong. I think it's one of those things where you just have to realize the church is true, but people are not perfect.
There was of course, a section on polygamy which I basically had to just read and then forget. There's nothing appalling in there or wrong even, but it's just the doctrine I have a hard time with. Which is odd because we don't even practice it anymore. Also, because my grandpa's father was a polygamist and I wouldn't even be where I am today if he hadn't been.
Anyway, I would recommend this book to those who are looking for a fact-based look at Joseph's life.
I would recommend this year's (and last year's) Teachings of the President's of the Church: Joseph Smith to those looking for a spiritual look.
HEY- How'd you change it from saying "comments" to "two cents"?? I've been trying to figure it out... grr.
Clark read this book too. But really what I want to say is, I love your picture at the top of the blog. very cute!
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