Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not Me Tuesday

We have not eaten out almost every night for the past couple weeks, simply because I don't like to cook and felt like I had a good excuse not to.

We did not go to the store to buy condoms, and I did not make Brian carry them because that's too awkward for me, and I did not make us find a few other items to buy along with the condoms so that I wouldn't feel like some young teenagers just going to buy condoms and everyone knows why. I also did not make us use the self-checkout so I wouldn't have to look at the cashier's face. I am so much more mature than that.

I did not make Brian run home from school in the rain yesterday because I left my phone on silent and didn't hear him calling to ask me to come pick him up. (But also, he did not want to get a ride simply because he washed his bike on Friday and didn't want to get it dirty riding home in the rain.) We each have our own faults.

I did not eat almost two entire sleeves of double stuff oreo's all by myself. (Not in one sitting at least.)

You'd think I'd have more of these since it's been so long since I've done them. Owell.

What have you not done lately?


Shae said...

hehe...i have to chuckle at your store "purchase" isn't it funny how, no matter how old you are, being in *that* aisle, and carrying *that* item...it's embarrassing? it is still for me, too. lol

Trina said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes buying condoms.

Cottam Family said...

Can I just say that I love you?! I think that everyone has stories like your condom one...except that with our family Kyle just wants to add in everything that might be embarrassing to buy (Even if we have no need for them) like tampons, fiber pills, preparation H (and the list can and sometimes does go on). I always laugh at your lists...miss you!

Marzipan said...

I eat 2 sleeves of Oreo's in one sitting...I think it's good for me. Really good for me.