Friday, April 8, 2011

Things that bug me

  • People who don't know where they're going on the freeway, which then causes them to swerve over two lanes of traffic to get to their exit.
  • The bruises all over my knees from my many falls.
  • The fact that I keep falling.
  • The smell of these apartments. I don't know where it comes from and I don't know how to get it to leave.
  • The fact that I can't seem to keep a simple house plant alive.
  • How I can't seem to write more than blurbs of books. I have little ideas all the time, but I can't make them more than the blurbs you'd read on the back of the book. Maybe that should be my job.
  • SNOW in APRIL!!!! I know it isn't really unusual in Utah but still. It bugs.
Good thing it's Friday.


Unknown said...

I hope we are not the one causing the smell of your apartment....

Melissa said...

No way Rui. I know what an amazing cook you are, so it couldn't be you. It's similar to a smell we had in our other apartment, so I'm pretty sure it's just the old buildings.

Brian and Tonya said...

Ditto to being bugged by snow in April. Yuck!!!
And I don't miss the smells in the apartments. I never felt like I could get those things clean. Too many layers of dirt built up.
I miss you and need to come visit one of these days.

cbeck said...

"People who don't know where they're going on the freeway, which then causes them to swerve over two lanes of traffic to get to their exit."

I especially like the ones who put their blinker on just prior to the multi-lane swerve. It's like they want to be responsible, but they just don't know how...