Sunday, September 9, 2007

Late Nights

Since I'm just sitting in the architecture building watching Brian work on projects since I finished my readings, I thought I'd post a little show & tell about what Brian's been working on lately.

He's been doing sketches:

Melting stuff:Creating cool pictures:

These kind of pictures are called HDRI pictures. They are actually three pictures, taken with different amount of light exposure, laid on top of each other. This allows for your eyes to see all at once, things it wouldn't be able to see before. Like the things in the shadows that you can't see when it's light outside. You can see it all with these pictures. So he takes these and layers them and then works with the colors to create these images. Pretty cool if you ask me.

And last but not least, building models, to scale:

Doing all of these projects has been a lot of hard work. He's had to come in every Saturday all day long. And because of the one car situation we have right now, we carpool, which means that when he stays late, I have to stay late. On Wednesday, we stayed until 12. Thursday, I decided I would go to my parents house and try and get some sleep and then just pick him up when he was done with a group project. I picked him up at 3 and they still weren't finished. He came in again yesterday, and then after church today, we've been back. It's now almost 12:30. We're both really excited to move closer to campus, so when it gets late, I can just go home, and when he's finally done, it only takes two minutes to get home instead of 20.

And this is what I end up looking like after getting no sleep:

Scary, I know. :)

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