Tuesday, October 7, 2008

General Conference Weekend

I love General Conference. Every six months I realize once again how lucky I am and how great it is to get this council from our leaders. Sure, part of the fun is getting to stay home and listen while in comfy clothes, and snack on treats, but it's more than that. Here are a few of my favorite thoughts/quotes from this weekend:

I do not know everything, but I know enough.

The first thing we need to do to deal with disappointment/anger/trials: Learn to Laugh.

The gospel is easy, Life is hard. But Life is also Simple.

Christian Courage does not mean "fighting" back.

There were lots more, but I left my notes at home. These were the few that really affected me.

Saturday Brian had to work on a project so he went to school for a few hours, then to work for a few hours, and then back to school for a few hours. It was a rainy day, so the shop wasn't that busy. This was a blessing because he had so much work to do & he needed that extra time.

I ended up watching Conference by myself but that was fine. Brian came home for 2 minutes to change before Priesthood, and then I left to go to dinner with some friends. Marci, Lisa, Adrianna, Jaime, Kat, and I all went to Red Robin. It was so much fun! I was so happy we did that because it gave us a chance to get to know each other better. Half of us stay home with kids all day, and the other half work all day so we don't always have a chance to get together, so that was really fun. I hope we can do it again soon.

After dinner and the Priesthood session was over, Brian & I went to his grandparent's house for the traditional ice cream after Priesthood session. :) A favorite of mine.

And then after that, Brian had to go back to school & keep working. I ended up falling asleep on the couch waiting for him. He got home at 1:30. Yuck.

Sunday we went out to Sandy & had breakfast with his family & watched the morning session with them. Then Brian dropped me off at my parent's house & he went back to school. After the last session, I drove with my parents to my grandparent's house for dinner. Brian met us there. I love going to family dinners up there. We're all getting so much older & the family just keeps growing. It's so much fun.

We couldn't stay long, because Brian had to go back to school again. This time I managed to stay awake until 1 before I gave up. I went to bed & Brian told me that he finally got home around 3. Double Yuck!!

His presentation was yesterday & he said he did a really good job & felt really good about it. He's such a stud! He's got another presentation due today, which meant he was back at school yesterday until 11, but that's better than 3 right?

1 comment:

Wolfley Family said...

Ugh! Just reading about Brian's weekend schedule makes me tired! Hang in there - hopefully it'll go back to normal really soon! It was really fun to have dinner with you Saturday :) Have a great week!