So I already posted this on Facebook, but I've been told it was depressing. I blame it on the snow and the fact that I'm falling asleep at work because no one else is here. So, here is the "happy" version of my 25 Random Things. (Just for you Megs.)
1. Brian and I were married on St. Patrick's Day.
2. I love to embarrass our younger siblings by being schmoopy with Brian.
3. I would eat ice cream for every meal.
4. I make awesome chocolate shakes. (I learned from my dad.)
5. I have really great crafty ideas, but I can't seem to make them come to life. That's why I married Brian. He's much better at making ideas into reality than I am.
6. I have a special bond with my younger brother Brad. I think it's because we both have "Joker" smiles.
7. I am the oldest in my family, the oldest grandchild on my dad's side, and I'm older than Brian.
8. I love to be the first at things. Getting married, graduating college, etc.
9. I'm really competitive, in life and in games. Brian doesn't like to play with just me because of this. (But he'll play with other people around, so don't think he doesn't like games.)
10. When I'm really smiling, you can't see my eyes. I get this from my mom.
11. The joke in high school was that you could hear my laugh from the other side of the school. I love my laugh.
12. I have loved my husband since we were 16.
13. I love to read. I want to have a library like Belle in Beauty & the Beast.
14. I'm a big planner. I like to have things all planned out for my entire life.
15. I had braces for 3 years (6th, 7th, & 8th grade.) My dad jokes about how much my smile costs. I love my smile.
16. If I knew nothing else about Brian, I would've married him for his eyes. I hope my babies get his eyes.
17. I love to get new shoes, but I wear the same ones to work almost every day.
18. I want to be a better cook. I think this will be closer to happening when I have more than 2 ft. of counter space. :)
19. I made Brian's Christmas stocking, and I plan to make stockings for all my children.
20. I love to workout with my Wii.
21. I love family reunions/get-together's. Family is the most important thing in my life.
22. I want a house with secret passageways. That's why I married an architect. One day it will happen.
23. One day I want to go to New York, Europe, and Hawaii.
24. I want to do something so important that more than just my family and friends will know who I am.
25. (Insert your own Random Thing here. (well, really in the comments.))
LOVE IT! That is much better :)
And it is would eat icecream for every meal!
I had fun reading both versions :) You must share your chocolate milk shake recipe - my kids would love you forver! ~ J
I actually had braces for 3 years too! Junior high was pretty rought for me. BTW, I would absolutely love to get your banana bread recipe and any other recipes that work out for you. I, too, am trying to make healthier meals for our family.
Fun to get to know you better. And yeah, that chocolate shake recipe so needs to be shared.
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