Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Last Lecture


That sums up this book.

Not necessarily because it's brilliant writing, but because of how this book makes you feel, and how it makes you think about things.

I loved it!

Of course I spent the last part of the book trying not to cry out loud, (I was sitting at work). But for the most part, I spent the whole book thinking.

Thinking of course, about what I would say to my kids, or my loved ones, if I knew I wasn't going to be here for the rest of their lives.

But believe me, I think about that enough. My imagination doesn't let me not think about stuff like that. I worry what Brian will do or what I would do without him. But I try not to dwell on it.

Mostly it made me think about my childhood dreams and if I've achieved any of them.

I thought about some of the awesome things his parents taught him and what I want to teach my kids.

I thought about what are the really important things, and how I need to let the little stuff go, because do I really want Brian's memories of me to be about how I wouldn't let him get a new bike, or stressing myself out because things don't go according to plan?

I also have to point out that he mentioned Disney a lot in this book, and it made me want to go to Disney World/Disneyland A LOT! I tried to explain to Brian how much I love Disneyland, but he just doesn't understand. It's hard to explain that magic and how happy it makes me feel when I go there. But I did make him promise that we could take our kids there more than once when they're growing up, because that's when you feel the magic the most.

Another thing he mentions is about brick walls. How brick walls are put there to keep others out. Brick walls show you how much you really want something. Brick walls make things even better once you get passed them. Brick walls make the dream worth all the effort.

I think I'm going to sit down and make my list of dreams I had as a kid and do more to achieve those. I want my kids to know that you can make those dreams happen. And even if they don't happen, it teaches you a lot just to try.

Everyone should read this book!


Marzipan said...

I love your summary of the book...I loved reading it as well. It really makes you evaluate your own life.

And I L.O.V.E. Disney too!! Why don't we just go together and leave the hubbies home? Road trip!!

Brittney said...

I loved reading this book! i read it awhile ago with some people in my ward. It definitely makes you think about your own life and how you want to continue living it.