Sunday, April 26, 2009

Persuasion, Jane Austen

I really liked this book. I know not everyone is a fan of Victorian novels, or of Austen herself, but I really liked Pride & Prejudice so I wanted to give something else a try. To be honest, I first heard of this book after watching The Lake House.
This book stays true to Austen, and criticizes the social system she lived in, but I liked it better for the story. Two young people in love, separated by the persuasion of a parental figure, thrown together again after 8 years apart, and they have to figure out if there's still a chance for them. I related to this book and probably liked it more because "timing" was the issue. I have a thing for couples who fight against "timing." :)
For those of you who don't know, it took about six years for Brian and I to get together, and we faced all sorts of obstacles in between. Hence, why I liked this book. And I'm not giving too much away, because like all Austen novels, they end up together in the end. :)

1 comment:

Wolfley Family said...

I'm glad you said they end up together because after watching The Lake House, I wanted to read that book... but not if it ended tragically!